In SQL Server, string functions perform character and string manipulations.
Arguments that are not string values, are implicitly converted to a text data type.
This function concatenates, or combines, first and last names.
SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS Name,
City, Country
FROM Customer
Name | City | Country |
Maria Anders | Berlin | Germany |
Ana Trujillo | México D.F. | Mexico |
Antonio Moreno | México D.F. | Mexico |
Thomas Hardy | London | UK |
Christina Berglund | Luleå | Sweden |
![]() |
These are the built-in string functions in SQL Server.
Click on a function for more details.
Function | Description |
ASCII | Returns the ASCII code value of a character |
CHAR | Returns the single-byte character with the specified integer code |
CHARINDEX | Returns the starting position of a string inside another string |
CONCAT | Combines two or more string value into a single (concatenated) string |
DATALENGTH | Rreturns the number of bytes used by an expression |
DIFFERENCE | Returns a value measuring the SOUNDEX difference between two strings |
FORMAT | Returns a value formatted with the specified format and optional culture |
LEFT | Returns the left part of a string with the given number of characters |
LEN | Returns the number of characters of a given string |
LOWER | Converts a string to lowercase |
LTRIM | Returns a string after it removes leading blanks |
NCHAR | Returns the Unicode character with the specified integer code |
PATINDEX | Returns the starting position of a pattern in a given string |
QUOTENAME | Returns a valid SQL Server delimited string as identifier. |
REPLACE | Replaces all occurrences of a string value with another string value |
REPLICATE | Repeats a string value a specified number of times. |
REVERSE | Returns a string with its characters reversed |
RIGHT | Returns the right part of a string with the specified number of characters |
RTRIM | Returns a string after it removes trailing blanks |
SOUNDEX | Returns a 4-character code to evaluate the sound similarity of two strings |
SPACE | Returns a string of repeated spaces |
STR | Returns character data converted from numeric data |
STUFF | Inserts a string into another string |
SUBSTRING | Returns part of a string or binary expression. |
TRIM | Removes spaces or other characters from start and end of a string. |
UNICODE | Returns the integer value for a Unicode character |
UPPER | Converts a string to uppercase. |