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QUOTENAME adds delimiters to a string making it a valid SQL Server identifier.

The delimiter can be quotation mark, bracket, parentheses, and others.

Delimiters are added before and after the input string.



Add square bracket delimiters to the given string.

SELECT QUOTENAME('Order') AS 'Table Name'
Result:  1 record
Table Name


Syntax of the QUOTENAME function.

QUOTENAME(string [,quote-character])

string -- a string with up to 128 characters.

quote-character -- optional. Characters to use as delimiters. Default is [].

More Examples

QUOTENAME with quote characters

Displays a string with different delimiters.
SELECT QUOTENAME('Order', '()') AS 'Parentheses',
       QUOTENAME('Order', '"') AS 'Double Quotes',
       QUOTENAME('Order', '{}') AS 'Curly Braces'
Result:  1 record
Parentheses Double Quotes Curly Braces
(Order) "Order" {Order}

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Last updated on Dec 21, 2023

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