A view is a virtual table whose contents are defined by a query.
The CREATE VIEW command creates a new view.
The ALTER VIEW command modifies an existing view.
To delete a view use DROP VIEW.
This example creates a view that lists customers from Sweden.
CREATE VIEW SwedishCustomer
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Phone
FROM Customer
WHERE Country = 'Sweden'
A view is just a SQL statement, but one that can be used as if it were a table, like so:
SELECT * FROM SwedishCustomer
Syntax to create a new view.
CREATE VIEW view-name AS SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN FROM table-name WHERE condition
Syntax to change (alter) a view.
ALTER VIEW view-name AS SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN FROM table-name WHERE condition
Syntax to remove (drop) a view.
DROP VIEW view-name
ALTER VIEW SwedishCustomer
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Phone, City
FROM Customer
WHERE Country = 'Sweden'
FROM SwedishCustomer
FirstName | LastName | Phone | City |
Christina | Berglund | 0921-12 34 65 | Luleå |
Maria | Larsson | 0695-34 67 21 | Bräcke |
DROP VIEW SwedishCustomer