C# Flyweight Design Pattern

The Flyweight design pattern uses sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently. 

C# code examples of the Flyweight design pattern is provided in 3 forms:

Frequency of use:
C# Design Patterns

UML class diagram

A visualization of the classes and objects participating in this pattern.


The classes and objects participating in this pattern include:

  • Flyweight  (Character)
    • declares an interface through which flyweights can receive and act on extrinsic state.
  • ConcreteFlyweight   (CharacterA, CharacterB, ..., CharacterZ)
    • implements the Flyweight interface and adds storage for intrinsic state, if any. A ConcreteFlyweight object must be sharable. Any state it stores must be intrinsic, that is, it must be independent of the ConcreteFlyweight object's context.
  • UnsharedConcreteFlyweight   ( not used )
    • not all Flyweight subclasses need to be shared. The Flyweight interface enables sharing, but it doesn't enforce it. It is common for UnsharedConcreteFlyweight objects to have ConcreteFlyweight objects as children at some level in the flyweight object structure (as the Row and Column classes have).
  • FlyweightFactory   (CharacterFactory)
    • creates and manages flyweight objects
    • ensures that flyweight are shared properly. When a client requests a flyweight, the FlyweightFactory objects assets an existing instance or creates one, if none exists.
  • Client   (FlyweightApp)
    • maintains a reference to flyweight(s).
    • computes or stores the extrinsic state of flyweight(s).

Structural code in C#

This structural code demonstrates the Flyweight pattern in which a relatively small number of objects is shared many times by different clients.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Flyweight.Structural
    /// <summary>
    /// Flyweight Design Pattern
    /// </summary>

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Arbitrary extrinsic state

            int extrinsicstate = 22;

            FlyweightFactory factory = new FlyweightFactory();

            // Work with different flyweight instances

            Flyweight fx = factory.GetFlyweight("X");

            Flyweight fy = factory.GetFlyweight("Y");

            Flyweight fz = factory.GetFlyweight("Z");

            UnsharedConcreteFlyweight fu = new


            // Wait for user

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'FlyweightFactory' class
    /// </summary>

    public class FlyweightFactory
        private Dictionary<string, Flyweight> flyweights { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, Flyweight>();

        // Constructor

        public FlyweightFactory()
            flyweights.Add("X", new ConcreteFlyweight());
            flyweights.Add("Y", new ConcreteFlyweight());
            flyweights.Add("Z", new ConcreteFlyweight());

        public Flyweight GetFlyweight(string key)
            return ((Flyweight)flyweights[key]);

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Flyweight' abstract class
    /// </summary>

    public abstract class Flyweight
        public abstract void Operation(int extrinsicstate);

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
    /// </summary>

    public class ConcreteFlyweight : Flyweight
        public override void Operation(int extrinsicstate)
            Console.WriteLine("ConcreteFlyweight: " + extrinsicstate);

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'UnsharedConcreteFlyweight' class
    /// </summary>

    public class UnsharedConcreteFlyweight : Flyweight
        public override void Operation(int extrinsicstate)
            Console.WriteLine("UnsharedConcreteFlyweight: " +
ConcreteFlyweight: 21
ConcreteFlyweight: 20
ConcreteFlyweight: 19
UnsharedConcreteFlyweight: 18

Real-world code in C#

This real-world code demonstrates the Flyweight pattern in which a relatively small number of Character objects is shared many times by a document that has potentially many characters.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Flyweight.RealWorld
    /// <summary>
    /// Flyweight Design Pattern
    /// </summary>

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Build a document with text

            string document = "AAZZBBZB";
            char[] chars = document.ToCharArray();

            CharacterFactory factory = new CharacterFactory();

            // extrinsic state

            int pointSize = 10;

            // For each character use a flyweight object

            foreach (char c in chars)
                Character character = factory.GetCharacter(c);

            // Wait for user


    /// <summary>
    /// The 'FlyweightFactory' class
    /// </summary>

    public class CharacterFactory
        private Dictionary<char, Character> characters = new Dictionary<char, Character>();

        public Character GetCharacter(char key)
            // Uses "lazy initialization"

            Character character = null;

            if (characters.ContainsKey(key))
                character = characters[key];
                switch (key)
                    case 'A': character = new CharacterA(); break;
                    case 'B': character = new CharacterB(); break;
                    case 'Z': character = new CharacterZ(); break;
                characters.Add(key, character);
            return character;

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Flyweight' abstract class
    /// </summary>

    public abstract class Character
        protected char symbol;
        protected int width;
        protected int height;
        protected int ascent;
        protected int descent;
        protected int pointSize;

        public abstract void Display(int pointSize);

    /// <summary>
    /// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
    /// </summary>

    public class CharacterA : Character
        // Constructor
        public CharacterA()
            symbol = 'A';
            height = 100;
            width = 120;
            ascent = 70;
            descent = 0;

        public override void Display(int pointSize)
            this.pointSize = pointSize;
            Console.WriteLine(symbol +
                " (pointsize " + this.pointSize + ")");

    /// <summary>
    /// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
    /// </summary>

    public class CharacterB : Character
        // Constructor

        public CharacterB()
            symbol = 'B';
            height = 100;
            width = 140;
            ascent = 72;
            descent = 0;

        public override void Display(int pointSize)
            this.pointSize = pointSize;
            Console.WriteLine(this.symbol +
                " (pointsize " + this.pointSize + ")");


    // ... C, D, E, etc.

    /// <summary>
    /// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
    /// </summary>

    public class CharacterZ : Character
        // Constructor

        public CharacterZ()
            symbol = 'Z';
            height = 100;
            width = 100;
            ascent = 68;
            descent = 0;

        public override void Display(int pointSize)
            this.pointSize = pointSize;
            Console.WriteLine(this.symbol +
                " (pointsize " + this.pointSize + ")");
A (pointsize 11)
A (pointsize 12)
Z (pointsize 13)
Z (pointsize 14)
B (pointsize 15)
B (pointsize 16)
Z (pointsize 17)
B (pointsize 18)

.NET Optimized code in C#

The .NET optimized code demonstrates the same code as above but uses more modern C# and .NET features.

Here is an elegant C# Flyweight solution.

namespace Flyweight.NetOptimized;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;

/// <summary>
/// Flyweight Design Pattern
/// </summary>
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Build document with text
        var document = "AAZZBBZB";
        var factory = new CharacterFactory();

        // extrinsic state
        int pointSize = 10;

        // For each character use a flyweight object
        foreach (char c in document)
            var character = factory.GetCharacter(c);

        // Wait for user

/// <summary>
/// The 'FlyweightFactory' class
/// </summary>
public class CharacterFactory
    private readonly Dictionary<char, Character> characters = [];

    public Character GetCharacter(char key)
        // Uses "lazy initialization"
        Character character;
        if (characters.TryGetValue(key, out Character? value))
            character = value;
            character = key switch
                'A' => new CharacterA(),
                'B' => new CharacterB(),
                // ...
                'Z' => new CharacterZ(),
                _   => null!
            characters.Add(key, character);
        return character;

/// <summary>
/// The 'Flyweight' class
/// </summary>
public class Character
    protected char symbol;
    protected int width;
    protected int height;
    protected int ascent;
    protected int descent;

    public void Display(int pointSize) =>
       WriteLine($"{symbol} (pointsize {pointSize})");

/// <summary>
/// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
/// </summary>
public class CharacterA : Character
    // Constructor
    public CharacterA()
        symbol = 'A';
        height = 100;
        width = 120;
        ascent = 70;
        descent = 0;

/// <summary>
/// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
/// </summary>
public class CharacterB : Character
    // Constructor
    public CharacterB()
        symbol = 'B';
        height = 100;
        width = 140;
        ascent = 72;
        descent = 0;

// ... C, D, E, etc.

/// <summary>
/// A 'ConcreteFlyweight' class
/// </summary>
public class CharacterZ : Character
    // Constructor
    public CharacterZ()
        symbol = 'Z';
        height = 100;
        width = 100;
        ascent = 68;
        descent = 0;
A (pointsize 11)
A (pointsize 12)
Z (pointsize 13)
Z (pointsize 14)
B (pointsize 15)
B (pointsize 16)
Z (pointsize 17)
B (pointsize 18)

Last updated on Mar 17, 2024

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