Tags are code constructs that define the elements which make up an HTML page.
Example elements include paragraph, image, link, input, video, navigation, and more.
Writing with tags:
and end with a >
, for example, <img> which defines an image.</video>
.Here is a complete list of HTML tags that you can use to create web pages.
Tag | Description | |
<a> | Creates a link (hyperlink) to another page | |
<abbr> | Defines an abbreviation | |
<address> | Specifies contact information for the page's author | |
<area> | Specifies a map area for an image | |
<article> | Defines a container for independent and self contained text | |
<aside> | Creates a content area that is related to the primary content on a page | |
<audio> | Creates a player for sound such as music, sound effects, or others | |
<b> | Specifies bold text | |
<base> | Sets the base URL for all relative URLs on a page | |
<blockquote> | Defines a section with text quoted from another source | |
<body> | Specifies a container for the page's content with text, links, images, etc. | |
<br> | Creates a line break | |
<button> | Creates a clickable button that can contain text or an image | |
<canvas> | Creates a graphics container where JavaScript can draw. | |
<caption> | Specifies a caption for a table | |
<cite> | References the title of a body of work, e.g. book, art work, or a song | |
<code> | An element that is used to display computer code | |
<col> | Specifies column properties for a table | |
<colgroup> | Specifies one or more columns for table formatting purposes. | |
<data> | Links content to a machine-readable set of related data | |
<datalist> | Specifies a list of options for a textfield (<input>) element | |
<dd> | Adds a description of a term or name to a <dl> element | |
<del> | Marks deleted text | |
<details> | A control that can show and hide additional details | |
<div> | Creates a division or section on a page | |
<dl> | Defines a description list | |
<dt> | Adds a term or name to a <dl> element | |
<em> | Marks text that needs emphasis | |
<embed> | Creates a container for an external resource or plug-in | |
<fieldset> | Groups related form elements and displays a box with a legend around these | |
<figcaption> | Adds a caption to a <figure> (image) element | |
<figure> | Displays self-contained content, usually an image | |
<footer> | Defines a footer section on a page or a section of a page | |
<form> | Defines a data entry area that contains input elements | |
<h1>-<h6> | Defines text headings in 6 different sizes | |
<head> | Creates a head element that holds metadata elements | |
<header> | Defines a header section on a page or a section of a page | |
<hr> | Creates a horizontal line | |
<html> | Defines the root container for an HTML document | |
<i> | Specifies italic text | |
<iframe> | Creates a frame in which another web page can be embedded | |
<img> | Displays an image | |
<input> | Creates an input field in which data can be entered | |
<ins> | Marks inserted text | |
<kbd> | Specifies keyboard input often with CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT | |
<label> | Creates a label or brief description before input elements | |
<legend> | Defines a caption for a fieldset | |
<li> | Defines a list item. Used in <ol> and <ul> elements | |
<link> | Defines a link to an external source, such as a style sheet | |
<main> | Specifies a container for the main content of the page | |
<map> | Defines a client-side image map, i.e. an image with clickable areas | |
<mark> | Displays marked or highlighted text | |
<meta> | Provides metadata about the web page | |
<meter> | Creates a measurement control, like a guage | |
<nav> | Creates a container for navigation links | |
<noscript> | When the browser has disabled scripting, the noscript content displays | |
<object> | Embeds external objects in a page, such as, audio, video, image, or PDF | |
<ol> | Creates a numerically or alphabetically ordered list | |
<optgroup> | Groups related options in a <select> element (dropdown control) | |
<option> | Adds an item to a <select> element (dropdown control) | |
<output> | Displays output results of a calculation | |
<p> | Creates a paragraph | |
<param> | Adds parameters to an <object> element | |
<picture> | Adds images with a bit more flexibility than the <img> element | |
<pre> | Displays pre-formatted text in fixed-width font -- usually computer code | |
<progress> | Creates a control that displays progress of a task | |
<q> | Creates a short quotation enclosed with quotation marks | |
<ruby> | Represents a small annotation with pronunciation of text | |
<samp> | Displays sample output from coumputer code | |
<script> | Adds JavaScript to a page. Either server-side or client-side | |
<section> | Defines a piece of content that can stand on its own | |
<select> | Creates a dropdown control | |
<small> | Displays text in a smaller font size | |
<source> | Adds a media source for a <video>, <audio>, or <picture> | |
<span> | Container for one or more inline text elements | |
<strong> | Indicates text that is important or with high urgency | |
<style> | Adds CSS style elements to a page | |
<sub> | Marks subscript text where characters display lower and in smaller font | |
<summary> | Adds a heading to a <details> element. Clicking it toggles the details | |
<sup> | Marks superscript text where characters display higher and in smaller font | |
<svg> | Creates an vector image | |
<table> | Creates an HTML table with rows and colums, much like a spreadsheet | |
<tbody> | Marks the table body in an HTML table | |
<td> | Creates an HTML table cell | |
<template> | Creates a hidden content holder that can be copied by JavaScript | |
<textarea> | Creates a multi-line text input control, for example for messages | |
<tfoot> | Marks the table footer in an HTML table | |
<th> | Creates an HTML table header cell | |
<thead> | Marks the header rows in an HTML table | |
<time> | Creates a human-readable date/time item | |
<title> | Specifies the page title that will display in the browser's tab | |
<tr> | Creates a table row with either <th> or <td> elements | |
<track> | Adds a text track, such as, subtitles and captions, to the media | |
<u> | Specifies underlined text | |
<ul> | Creates an unordered, bulleted list | |
<var> | Defines its content as a variable | |
<video> | Creates a video player on a page | |
<wbr> | Adds a suggestion to the browser for a word-break location | |
<!DOCTYPE> | Specifies the HTML version on the first line of the page | |
<!--...--> | Marks text as comments in the source code. Not visible to users |