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HTML Tag Groups

A Tag Group is a collection of tags that work together to create more complex UI features

These features include layouts, tables, and data-entry forms.

Tags working together:

  • HTML tags often work with other tags to create more complex UI features.
  • For example, a table requires at least 3 different tags: <table>, <tr>, and <td>.
  • Or, to create a page you need these: <html>, <head>, <meta>, <link>, and <body>.
  • We refer to these cooperating tags as Tag Groups.

Definition: A tag group is a collection of tags that together create a more complex UI construct.

Tag Groups

In HTML, several tag groups can be identified:

  • Page group - defines the page structure including meta data.
  • Layout group - defines page layouts with headers, navbars, footers, etc.
  • Table group - defines tables for tabular data displays.
  • Form group - defines forms for data entry.
  • Text group - defines formatted text documents.
  • List group - defines ordered and unordered lists with data items.
  • Media group - defines multimedia experiences with audio, video, etc.
  • Code group - defines programming related sections, including source code.

Tip: If you're new to HTML it is helpful to refer to these Tag Groups and understand the larger picture of building successful web pages.

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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