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HTML <input> value Attribute

The value attribute on an <input> tag sets the value of the element.

The meaning and usage of the value depends on type of <input> element.



Different <input> types, each one with a value.
These values are sent during form submission.

Edit User Information First name  

Last name  


<form action="/tutorial/action.html">
  <legend>Edit User Information</legend>

    First name &nbsp; <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Alex"><br /><br />
    Last name &nbsp; <input type="text" name="lastname" value="McNeil"><br /><br />
    <label>Gender</label> &nbsp;
    &nbsp; <label for="male"><input type="radio" id="male" name="gender" value="male" checked> Male</label>
    &nbsp; <label for="female"><input type="radio" id="female" name="gender" value="female"> Female</label>
    &nbsp; <label for="other"><input type="radio" id="other" name="gender" value="other"> Other</label><br /><br />

    <input type="hidden" name="userid" value="819404">

   <input type="submit" value="Submit">

Using value

The value attribute specifies the value of the input element.

The semantics (meaning) of the value attribute depends on the input type. For example:

  • For button, reset, and submit, the value is used as the button text.
  • For text, password, and hidden, the value serves as the initial value.
  • For checkbox, radio, and image, the value is submitted when selected or clicked.

Note: The value attribute applies to all input types, except type="file".


<input value="text">



Value Description
text An alphanumeric string.

Browser support

Here is when value support started for each browser:

1.0 Sep 2008
1.0 Sep 2002
1.0 Aug 1995
1.0 Jan 2006
1.0 Jan 2003

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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