The <input> tag with a type="range"
attribute creates a range input control.
This control is a slider where a value is selected in a range, between a minimum and a maximum value.
An <input> element of type range.
The slider accepts values between 0 and 100 in increments of 10.
<form oninput="result.value = slider.value">
<label>Select pressure</label><br/>
<input type="range" id="slider"
min="0" max="100" step="10" value="30"> <br />
The value is <output name="result" for="slider">30</output> PSI
The <input type="range">
creates a range input control.
The default range is 0 to 100, but this can be changed with min and max attributes.
The step attribute is used to define the interval step between the values.
The range initial value is specified with the value attribute.
<input type="range">
Here is when type="range"
support started for each browser:
4.0 | Jan 2010 |
23.0 | Aug 2013 |
10.0 | Sep 2012 |
10.1 | Jun 2009 |
3.1 | Mar 2008 |
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