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CSS quotes

The quotes property sets the quotation marks to use for quotations.

It accepts any kind of quotation mark: ", ', ‘, ’, “, ”, ‹, ›, «, », etc.

This value overrides the default which is a pair of double quotes ("").



A quote with custom chevron quotation marks.

A room without books is like a body without a soul

  .custom-quotes {
    quotes: "«" "»";

  <q class="custom-quotes">
    A room without books is like 
    a body without a soul


quotes: none | [string string]+ | 
        initial | inherit;



Value Description
none No quotation marks display.
[string string]+ A list of space separated string values that specify the quotation characters to use. The first pair specifies the first level, the next pair the second level, and so on.
initial Sets the value to its default value value.
inherit Inherits the value from its parent element.

More Examples

A style that creates quotation marks that are the same for all <q> and <blockquote> elements.

A room without books is like a body without a soul

  q, blockquote {
    quotes: "«" "»" "‹" "›";

    A room without books is like
    a <q>body</q> without a soul

Browser support

This table shows when quotes support started for each browser.

11.0 Apr 2011
1.5 Nov 2005
8.0 Mar 2009
4.0 Jun 2000
5.1 Oct 2011

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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