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CSS @import

The @import rule imports a stylesheet into the current stylesheet.

These rules must be at the top -- but after any @charset declaration.



Two alternative @import rules.

@import "style.css";
@import url("style.css");

Using @import

To make the @import media-dependent you can add media queries.

'Media-dependent' means the import is limited to certain devices.

@import can also be used to include fonts from a CDN.


@import url | string media-queries;



Value Description
url|string URL or path representing the location of the import file.
media-queries A comma-separated list of media queries. This limits the import to certain devices only.

More Examples

These are some media-dependent examples.

Import printstyle.css only if the media is print:

@import "printstyle.css" print;

Import responsive.css only if the page is displayed on a screen and the viewport is at most 768 pixels wide:

@import "responsive.css" screen and (max-width: 768px);

Browser support

This table shows when @import support started for each browser.

1.0 Dec 2008
1.0 Nov 2004
5.5 Jul 2002
3.5 Nov 1998
1.0 Jun 2003

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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