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CSS font-kerning

Kerning is the spacing between letters. It's part of the font file.

It can make text easier and more pleasing to read.

The font-kerning property enables kerning.



Two lines of text: one with and the other without font-kerning. Notice how the word 'Text' in the first line appears more balanced than the second line.

Text with font kerning.

Text without font kerning.

  .kerning {
    font-kerning: normal;
    font-family: serif;
    font-size: 50px;

  .nokerning {
    font-kerning: none;
    font-family: serif;
    font-size: 50px;

<p class="kerning">Text with font kerning.</p>
<p class="nokerning">Text without font kerning.</p>
Note: Not all fonts come with kerning information.


font-kerning: auto | normal | none;



Values Description
auto Default. The browser determines whether font-kerning is beneficial or not.
normal Font-kerning is applied.
none Font-kerning is not applied.

Browser support

This table shows when font-kerning support started for each browser.

32.0 Jan 2014
34.0 Dec 2014
10.0 Sep 2012
7.0 Oct 2013

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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